Joseph Noon Gangely

Joesph noon Gangeley (b.1987) is an Irish artist based in London. his work transpires and interweaves through his experimentation with video, spoken word, writing, sculpture and textiles. He explores themes of sexuality, biology and plays with the ability to manipulate and mould materials into his own meanings. Noon-Gangely seems to likes to brake and rebuild the boundaries between a gallery and theatre.

Noon-Gangleys recent exhibition using moving images studies; “ The Cesspool of Rapture, 2017” is an exploration of the exploitation and eroticised labour in the making and wearing of 20th century dresses. He shows short clips studying the generally ignored details such as zips, stains, rips, and the openings and closing mechanism in a series of dresses made by the American designer Charles James (1906–1978) clips of these elements vary in speed creating sometimes a violent and threatening aura and other-times a more timid and fragile feel. This subject is very prominent in the news of today, with victim blaming, extreme exposure laws and labour cruelty all to present in todays society.