Rosa Johan Uddoh

Rosa John Uddoh(b.1995 in croydon) is the youngest artist to receive the biennial fellowship. She often works in ceramics y exploring her body and casting and using it as tools; homeware products such as jugs and bowls. Uddoh also uses sound , performance and fan-fiction. Uddoh’s work also often references her background in architecture - using this framework to cement her stories and thoughts from various places. Understanding framework structures’ her interest in exploring over-identification and our exaggerated understanding of necessities created from bit-pop culture, celebrities and objects. highlighting these subjects makes the audience question the effects our world has on our self-esteem.

Uddoh’s work “The Serve” is currently being displayed in the Bluecoat Gallery, and is a performance, written text and video exploration of the William’s sisters battle in Wimbledon, and the inspiration this had on Uddoh and many others across the world. She expresses her feeling of augmented reality and interconnection through the TV set, “reality and fiction, my life and theirs blurs with the speed of Venus William’s double handed backhand” .I found this exploration a really interesting exhibition and in the future this will encourage me to personalise my work with my prominent memories despite their actual global prominence. it has the effect of feeling more relatable to the audience and encourages us to question our own reality and analyse the small differences we can make to out lives so that we can become at one with our competition and yet still achieve our desired outcome. The focus on the juxtaposing simplicity yet so detailed ‘serve’ and the effects of simply ‘extending(the body)’and ‘realesing(the ball)’ mirrors the inner peace we all need to achieve.