Richard Creed


Richard creed is a painter known for his abstract take on the natural and unnatural world around us. His work often has geometric line merging and disappearing around the painting; I find this gives an effect of a kinetic horizon of sorts, an effect of the world moving around us. I have always been interested in the use of line to convayy mis-matched horizons or perspectives so i find looking at this work really inspiring; seeing how use of elements such as geometry can bring another dimension to a piece. 

In Creed;s work i also really like the stylistic difference within the piece, the simplified, linear shapes, puzzled together reminds me of Mondrian’s work, however, the thick swirling textures within the paint create a different story, beautifully harmonising two opposites.

Creed’s paintings inspired my “tomy has a primal urge to hit things with sticks and doesn’t understand why” as i wanted to simplify my work down similar to creeds geometric format. Therefore i boxed off certain shapes and colours in a similar style to creed’s