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Jai Chuhan


Jai Chuhan is an Indian-born British painter known for her expressive paintings. Chuhan’s  paintings show significant movement and fluidity between all constructs. Figures and objects freely pass through, over and under one another creating mesmerizing shapes and forms. 

A common theme for Chuhan’s work is exploring the psychological effects of love and the different levels and elements of tension between male and female sexes.

I think Chuhan displays these tensions through use of colour; she often uses bold tones perhaps expressing the strength of a single person. This colour scheme is then often matched with their complementary colours; this could be showing the strength and beauty that can happen when people come together. 

My favourite exhibition of Chuhan’s is “Refuge” at Gallery Oldham, Manchester 2008.  The exhibition focussed on refugees. The piece “Refugee Girls” has a compelling appearance and the layers of paintwork is so beautiful, free and impressionistic yet with elements of detail layered upon adding to the narrative. However the way the pieces were created is inspirational -  the exhibition was made into a safe space with Jai spending a week creating the paintings in an open studio in front of anyone whilst surrounded by sensory enhancers like light and sound.