Bedwyr Williams

Bedwyr wiliams is a Welsh artist who uses a wide range of mediums such as installations, performance, sculpture, video and text. He uses these techniques and platforms to create satirical takes on today's society. 

William’s most recent project was creating the design for the 31st pocket tube map. The London tube is a famous landmark not just in the UK but worldwide.  London is a worldwide hub which connects people and cultures together.   Williams' hand drew a man and woman connected by the iconic tube lines in blue and red. The male and female figures appear to be a small nod to the cliche of the “arty” style which has skyrocketed recently. This could be a comment on the direction the art world is going as well as the lack of originality of the new ‘indie’ or ‘individual’.The colours  blue and red are also significant, they are the UK’s national colours (from the flag) and  show patriotism.  They also comment on our new, uncertain place as a nation, following Brexit.  

My favourite pieces of Williams are his satirical drawings on his instagram account. The account is filled with drawings alongside simple yet  strong statements and texts.  There aren’t always obvious or strong connections between the text and image, despite this there is always an effective outcome and appearance. This inspired me to begin adding texts and more thoughtful titles to my own work and understand the artistic effect of using text in pieces.