Mathew Merick

Merrick is a multidisciplinary artist who creates his wild ideas through performance, sculpture, collage, and sound. His work is heavily focused on the journey of a production through which his creations pass.  This happened as a result of a switch of intentions - he stopped worrying and overcomplicating his desire for his work to all be heavily politicized and allowed his own techniques and process to be a vessel for his views.

Merrick’s work has developed its own sense of humor as a result of his interest in words and speech. One of his works was based on poems. In this, he created poems and anecdotes by analyzing and exploring small elements of the world and creating tapes read by an audiobook speaker. The tapes are short and unexpected, some are being sounds and replicas of everyday life which are normally drowned out and passes us by. The removal of his voice created an intensity and disconnection to his own words and question his own meanings, feelings, and actions. The on-going series shows communications as an action whilst disassociating the voice and person.

My favorite piece by Merrick is where he connects every type of power adapter in the world to a generator that powers a single globe to light up.  This piece is bittersweet; it simultaneously shows us a connected world whilst the audience know how far away we are in reality from that utopia. It also raises issues of climate change and the effects of industrialization.  This piece is inspirational as it connects to my work which explores pylons and cables and the industrialization of connections.