Morten Norbye Halvosen

Morten Norbye Halvosen, (born in Norway 1980) is a diverse artist practicing in various medias such as sculpture, photography, drawings and sound and performance art. Halvosen plays with many ways of exploring these motifs, most notably his portrayal of sound which he uses to unravel stories, scenes, places and memories and often emphasises these performances with props, drawings, music and recordings.

Halvosen often works in collaboration with other artists, for example his exhibition in the Liverpool biennial alongside fellow artist Jessica Warboys with the exhibition, “wave tabel project” composed especially for and within the Kunsthall Stavanger's gallery, the work presented thrashing and rippling waves of sound which then crossfade between studio and field recordings, on top of which both Halvosen and Warboys reciet poetry over the immersive sound in this consuming environment.

his work really captures my imagination, i love his freedom with presentation and what i conceive as purposeful ignorance to the rules of art. This is especially apparent in his photography pieces; in which i can almost feel the the wind hear the bees, yet what is more profound to me is with his images he portarys sounds which do not exist yet are now relatable.