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different dimensions; 2d,3d,4d

Throughout this practice, I have found my techniques and ideas being released from any constraints i thought i had. Contemplating and experimenting with different dimensions allows you to welcome any idea and i have found myself wanting to break free from my usual methods. From my perspective, these big subject matters;,ā€˜2d,3d,4dā€™ were vessels for us to focus and anything the small and random things in or lives and re-discovering and presenting them with a hole new interest and perspective on it. My 2d piece is an oil painting of a picture i took of myself crossing the road and the shadows created from the world around. I decided to paint it as i thought whilst in the mind of 2d, portraying the shadows contrasting with the flat curb and pavement could be something interesting. I decided i wanted to use strong lines because of the strong striped shadows of the railing and also inspiration from the webs Heath Bunting uses, his projects focuses on laws and scandals and highlights the facts connecting them together but also tangling them in a web of lines resembling a spiders web or a cell. I used this as inspiration for my work accentuating lines and angles and looking for ways to connect everything,  i also tried to keep everything quite flat and almost change the view into peculiar shapes and colours. I also experimented with using masking tape, i thought the effect of it was successful as you can create more layers for the piece. I only started using the masking tape halfway through but it has inspired me to experiment with tape more on my next pieces. My 3d piece is the first collective sculpture i have done. I used variously sized cardboard boxes piled and lined up with twine zigzagedly sticking to them on the string hangs my jewelry telling and tale and representing my life through their charms. I thought it came out looking really effective and it did have a sinister effect on my with my whole life, highs and lows, beginnings and endings showing there, i think it presents the inevitability of life and death i think this piece was largely inspired by laura Yuielle who connects and tangles human figures with daily,household appliances, shes uses theses objects the highlight the defects in our society and how that motif reflect through the general population, similar to my life line piece showing my struggles and how this is part of a pattern. Finally my 4d piece, my 4d piece is oil crayons on board. This piece is all imagined as i wanted to use the 4d brief to allow my mind create this new dimension and so i freed my mind and this image was the first thing i thought of. This piece was originally drawn and coloured in biro although the pens ran out so i then began using oil pastels. I think the composition is effective although the colours of this piece needs more depth.