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MA Students

  • Ami Zanders

Ami Zanders is a printmaker from Bermuda currently living in liverpool, she layers warm and vibrant colours to bring excitement to otherwise mundane, ordinary scenes. Her textured and hypnotic silk screen printing is all based on appreciation; family, friends, building she likes and memories of Bermuda. injecting colour and aesthetics into her pieces is her way of ridding negativity from her and our lives, not always focusing on the blues but appreciating and celebrating what we have.

  • Henry Chan

Henry Chan is a painter who mixes pop art and graffiti to relate to pop-culture and create aesthetically pleasing pieces. his use of vibrant colours and bold patterns is a method to uplift the audience and comment on the issues of commercialism in todays society. Chan’s work connects to all of us; his subject matters bounces from our general interests as a society, the exciting colours allows us to reminisce to our childhood and the style connects and relates us back to different eras.

  • Angelo Madonna

Angelo Madonna is a sculpture who engages with locations and objects attempting to reimagine and reinvent them back into our society. He focuses on challenging our emotional connections between objects and places, whether that be materialistic or practical. He simplifies our pre-made judgments and memories into spaces to allow us to questions our own intentions.

  • Charlotte Hill

Charlotte Hill is a multi-disciplinary artist who enjoys to deconstruct and challenge stereotypes of whats is beautiful. she creates her work through experimentation and often focuses on colour, form and pattern aiming to present the world through warped and confusing mannerisms.

  • Matthew Merrick

Matthew Merrick is multi-disciplinary and politically based artist interested in examining our communities and the effects of events and concepts which mould our idealistic and unrealistic society. he simplifies societal issues into visual, exhibitionist works allowing us to fill the gaps and question what are the contributors to our humanitarian downfall. Merrick’s work and ideas are often expressed through line and shapes perhaps as a way of communicating the simplicity of life and the minimalistic we view our surrounding and one another.

  • Serah Stringer

Serah Stringer is an artist who paints, sculpts or imprints / entraps objects into different mediums such as cement or resin. Her purpose is to up-cycle objects and to allow the material to speak for itself whilst simultaneously commenting on something, whether be her emotions or a social issue which needs magnifying.  Stringer’s work is largely based around metaphors and withdrawing yourself from expectations, she also enjoys adding satire to her work by playing with the contrasting subjects of death and humour.